Web Listings Inc. invoice

Today’s posting is a departure from the theme of this blog but I thought it was important to share with others.

I received an invoice today via USPS from a company named Web Listings Inc. promising to submit my Frauds and Scams blog to 20 established search engines for only $85.00 per year. 

The website listing service includes:

Domain name submissions with up to 8 keywords/phrases to 20 established search engines.

Initial search engine position and ranking report sent via email.

Monthly search engine position and ranking reports sent via email.

This might be a scam or, at the least, a worthless service so I am posting this information on both blogs.

On the reverse side of the invoice is printed:

This Website Listing offer is provided to millions of websites throughout the United States to enhance their website exposure.  THIS IS NOT A BILL. THIS IS A SOLICITATION.  YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO PAY THE AMOUNT STATED ABOVE UNLESS YOU ACCEPT THIS OFFER.

I wasn’t planning to send them my money.  I am hopeful that no one else is taken in by this deceptive solicitation.

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4 Responses to Web Listings Inc. invoice

  1. weggieboy says:

    Thanks for posting this! I get so tired of scams. If I’m being scammed, however, I prefer it by mail so I can pass it on to the postmaster for review.

    If it’s in the form of spam on the Internet or a telephone call, it becomes more tricky.

    I just make it a rule not to buy anything on the Internet that I didn’t want, research, and verify the honesty of the vendor first.

    Telephone solicitations are the easiest to turn down, and I’m sure there are some very “nice” people who think I’m a horse’s patoot for treating them like thieves without first hearing how they propose to relieve me of my money.

    • Natasha says:

      I know most people would appreciate being warned about these invoices since some would probably pay them without thinking. Now if I can only think of a way to discourage the spam text cellphone messages I receive every day. As for the phone calls, even the “charities” are becoming annoying calling me several times a day. I would not want to be a telemarketer!

  2. weggieboy says:

    “I just make it a rule not to buy anything on the Internet that I didn’t want, research, and verify the honesty of the vendor first.”

    That’s a bit tricky! If I want something and plan on buying it over the Internet, I research the product and vendor first. I didn’t quite make that point first time around, and the lack of an edit function on most blogs assures I double-post to clarify or correct at least once or twice a day!

    • Natasha says:

      Everyone should do research before buying from a vendor. I don’t mind a sales pitch. I need time to make a decision before buying anything that costs more than a few dollars.

      I suspected that Web Listings was not connected in any way with WordPress but the hundreds of complaints on the internet confirmed my suspicions.

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